
Space - Move in the selected direction. 

Lalt - Pickup Direction

Tab - Select among picked up direction

LShift - Drop Selected Direction

Explore to the level and acquire directions. Locate the portal to beat the level.

First Gamejam go easy on me!


Buildv2.rar 18 MB


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Hey I don't know if it is my browser or something else but i could not start the game

Design by substraction is a hard thing to do well. You've basically designed tedium - every tiny move requires a click, and exploring the map is also mostly guesswork I suppose.
Got stuck in the moment when I found the up direction, Alt didn't swap out the arrow, so I was basically stuck in the pit forever. The key bindings are quite funny, not gonna lie :D
Of course, congratulations on making it through your first jam! And the graphics were quite nice too, the camera work was decent, and the idea - maybe had some potential of which I too can't think of.

Yea Sorry about that I kinda f'ed it . Shift can drop directions i forgot it add it. I planned on adding enemies and collectibles but no time. Sorry about the awful experience.